Are you about to
undergo an orthopedic surgery?
An exciting time is waiting for you, soon you will undergo an orthopedic surgery. For many people, this brings many questions. Will I recover quickly? Will I experience a lot of pain? Am I at risk of complications?
We can tell you that thousands of patients undergo an orthopedic surgery every day. That’s the reason why these operations are carried out on a massive scale, surgeons are well prepared and you will be professionally supported by experienced physiotherapists after the operation. However, every operation means that your body needs to recover. This is often accompanied by pain
and temporary loss of mobility is not excluded.
cTreatment has been developed to respond to these common side effects and to optimize your recovery process.

Less pain
and swelling
After the surgery, your recovery starts which leads to swelling. As a result, moving is more difficult and you will experience more pain. cTreatment reduces the swelling, allowing you to move more freely without pain.
Several medical studies show that cTreatment reduces pain by up to 41%. This reduces the use of medication and the risk of complications.
medicine intake
The use of painkillers is not without risk. They often lead to drowsiness, abdominal pain and can even cause liver and kidney damage. Therefore, it is important to keep the use of painkillers as low as possible. cTreatment allows many patients to recover without additional pain medication.

The cPad
The cPad is specifically designed to provide optimal and highly precise cooling of the treatment area. The cPad is designed to fit any patient. All patient specific data, administered into the cServer, are automatically saved in the individualized cPad chip so that you easily can continue your treatment on another cServer at any time.
The cServer
Why cTreatment is more effective than ice
Ice has been used successfully in medical applications for centuries. However, there are some disadvantages when using ice. For example, the temperature is not constant, which means that it is much too cold at first. It can cause burns and nerve damage and it does not provide the deep cooling that is often required.
Luckily we are not living in the Middle Ages anymore. cTreatment is a temperature controlled treatment that takes into account the parameters of the patient and the procedure you have undergone. In this way, we give you a deep, comfortable but 100% safe treatment.
Recover faster with cTreatment
After an orthopedic surgery, as a patient you are often confronted with the fact that small practical things are more difficult. You have to rehabilitate for a few weeks for a reason. Besides the fact that cTreatment reduces pain, cTreatment also ensures a faster recovery.
Being able to take a bath independently after knee surgery, putting on your own bra after shoulder surgery, taking the children to school by car again. These are small things that can make a world of difference.
Body Part

Step 1 Intake interview
The very first step has been taken, you have your intake interview with your orthopedic surgeon. During this consultation, the doctor will analyse your problem in detail and propose a solution.
Step 2 Day of the surgery
You will be hospitalized today for your operation. Your surgeon or his assistant will go through the procedure with you and check that you are ready for the surgery.
Step 3 Pre-operative
Your first treatment with cTreatment will take place before your surgery. This reduces the blood loss that will occur during the surgery.
Step 4 Now it happens...
The surgeon and his team will carry out your surgery. Orthopedic surgeries are performed thousands of times all over the world every day. Before you know it, you will be as good as new!
Step 5 Recovery
After your surgery, you will be taken from the operating theatre to the recovery room. Nurses will keep a close eye on you until you have awakened. After the surgery, cTreatment will be applied. In this phase, it is important that we reduce your pain and prevent swelling.
Step 6 Hospitalization
cTreatment will be applied several times a day during your hospitalization. Since, after most orthopedic surgeries, you have to start moving again in a controlled way as soon as possible, cTreatment will prevent the pain from increasing and the swelling from getting worse.
Step 7 6 weeks rehabilitation
In most cases, cTreatment is applied up to 6 weeks after the surgery. cTreatment will gradually focus more on faster recovery and less on pain and swelling towards the end of your rehabilitation. cTreatment will be offered by your physiotherapist at the rehabilitation centre.
Recent scientific studies have shown that just 4 days of using cTreatment gives a noticeable improvement in mobility up to 84 days after surgery.
Step 8 Final interview
Your recovery is concluded by a final consultation with your orthopedic surgeon. During this consultation, your recovery will be discussed and it will be determined whether you can once again function as expected. Almost all patients can resume their activities after this period.
Experience cTreatment
8 euro/ day
349 euro
6 Weeks
Treatment Program​
1 Personal cPad
Pre-operative treatment
Recovery treatment​
3 days of hospitalization treatments
41 days of rehabilitation treatments
a cTechnology bv. company
Zagerijstraat 27
2960 Brecht, Antwerp
VAT BE0746.563.567
Phone +32 3 217 20 70
Email info@marvlemedical.com